ECIMF Project Documents Archive

Browse or download various documents related to the project.
This page contains links to documents created by project members, both the drafts of the official deliverables, and other useful articles related closely to the project.

The following categories of documents can be found below:
  • Final CWA - final version of the official CEN/ISSS project documentation
  • CWA Drafts - drafts of the official CEN/ISSS documents
  • Presentations - presentations of the project made on various occasions
  • Contributions - contributed materials, drawings, articles etc... (working area for the project members)
  • Other documents

CWA Drafts
The reference documentation for the project is organized in form of CEN Workshop Agreements (CWA), which are subject to official comments and approval by the Workshop members. Originally, the ECIMF project planned to deliver several CWA's, but in the last phase of the project they have been combined into one. Below you will find the links to all versions of the drafts of each of them, and to the final single document:
  • Final ECIMF CWA - approved during the Brussels plenary meeting on 22nd Feb 2003. Available in the following formats: Word, PDF .
    Here you can find a short summary of project's conclusions.
  • ECIMF-Intro archive (get the latest version: Word, PDF)
    Introduction to the project background, motivation and the basic concepts. Not stricly speaking a CWA, but a good introductory material that helps to understand the relationship between the CWA's.
  • ECIMF-GM archive (get the latest version: Word, PDF)
    General methodology for modeling of the integration between e-commerce frameworks. Specification of the 3-layer approach.
    • FIG: the E-Commerce Frameworks Integration Guideline has been integrated with ECIMF-GM. You can still find the last stand-alone version here: (Word, PDF)
  • ECIMF-TS archive (get the latest version: Word, PDF)
    Technical specification, containing the modeling notation and the syntax for expressing the interoperability rules (MANIFEST documents).
  • ECIMF-POC archive (get the latest version: Word, PDF)
    Proof-of-concept example of mapping between two e-commerce standards, for a specific business process. Description of the tools used for preparing the mapping and to generate the MANIFEST rules.


Various presentations made by the project members. Good source for additional information and concepts, some of them not included in the project deliverables.

Many other presentations were made as part of the official ECIMF events - please find them in the Events section.

The entries here are sorted by date, the oldest ones being at the bottom of the list:
  • 2001.09.14: ECIMF Approach - Business-aware integration - CompTIA/ECSB conference, Reading (PPT, PDF)
  • 2001.09.13: ECIMF Project - overview - CompTIA/ECSB conference, Reading (PPT, PDF)
  • 2001.06.12: Positioning of ECIMF towards OAG, RosettaNet and ebXML - workshop plenary meeting, Oslo (PPT, PDF)
  • 2001.06.12: ECIMF Project summary, Oslo (PPT, PDF)
  • 2001.05.03: E-Commerce Integration Meta-Framework - the project kickoff meeting, Brussels (PPT, PDF)

Other documents

Various other documents created by the project members, containing material relevant to some aspects of the project.
  • 2001.04.25: Comparison of the modeling notations for Business Process and EAI modeling (Word, PDF)
  • 2001.04.25: Original project proposal (now obsolete, but interesting for historical reasons) (Word, PDF)

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